For the last 20 years, insurance companies operating in Nevada have been required to disclose their insured’s policy limit to Plaintiff’s attorneys if certain conditions are met. However, Nevada’s 2015 legislature repealed NRS 690B.042 altogether. Insurance companies no longer are required to disclose the liability limits of their insured before a lawsuit is filed. Plaintiff’s personal injury attorney Bob Massi is upset and suggests that this change will result in an increase in the number … [Read more...]
The 2015 Nevada Legislature Repeals NRS 690B.042 Requiring Policy Limit Disclosures
Is A Commercial Truck Considered A “Passenger Car” For Purposes Of Disclosure Of Liability Policy Limits?
The very first post on the Nevada Trucking Law Blog discusses when a trucking company must disclose its bodily injury liability policy limit to an injured party. However, an update to that 2008 post is necessary because, as is true for most things in life, the law is always changing. It is still true that if the injured party files a law suit, the motor carrier is obliged to produce its liability policy for inspection or for copying. Nevada Rule of Civil Procedure 16.1 (a)(1)(D) or Federal … [Read more...]