n Clark and Washoe counties, where a civil case has a value of $50,000 or less, the parties usually participate in Mandatory Court-Annexed Arbitration. However, under N.R.S. 38.258 and the Nevada Supreme Court Rules Governing Alternative Dispute Resolution, the parties can agree to use other alternative dispute resolution options in lieu of, during or following non-binding arbitration. For example, the parties can opt out of the court-annexed arbitration program and opt into:
Short Trial, or
Settlement Conference
This statute anticipates that if the parties agree, they can use any or all of these options. Settlement conferences and mediations are familiar to all involved in litigation. Both are non-binding programs where a mediator or a judge intervenes to attempt to bring the parties together to settle the case. Short Trials are jury trials using between 4-6 jurors and are normally conducted in a day. For more information on Short Trials, please see other posts under that Category.