Strategies, Challenges, and Answers

Nevada Lacks Dram Shop Law(S)

For years Nevada Lawyers have tried unsuccessfully to get judges to impose liability on casino, bar and restaurant owners when guests were served too much alcohol, leading to accidents and injuries. In case after case, Nevada judges have refused. For more on this topic please visit our Dram Shop posts on our Nevada Coverage and Bad Faith Law Blog. … [Read more...]

Dram Shop Wonderland

Once upon a time in a land far, far away the courts refused to legislate from the bench.  That place was called Dram Shop Wonderland.  The story goes like this: In that day, there were dram shop owners and innkeepers who served their guests beverages known to cause inebriation.  The guests would leave the place in a less than sober state and caused mischief in the town, including damage and injury.  The victims of the mischief made appeals to the courts and the courts ordered the guests … [Read more...]