Strategies, Challenges, and Answers

Archives for March 2013

Can Anyone Find A Reported Nevada Case That Deals With Examinations Under Oath?

An insured’s obligation to give an Examinations Under Oath in conjunction with an insurance claim has been around a long time.  Take for example the case of Claflin v. Commonwealth Ins. Co., 110 U.S. 81, 3 S. Ct. 507, 28 L. Ed. 76 (1884). There, the U.S. Supreme Court explained that the purpose behind an Examination Under Oath was "to enable the [insurance] company to possess itself of all knowledge and all information as to other sources and means of knowledge, in regard to the facts, material … [Read more...]

Congratulations to our own Carrie McCrea Hanlon, Esq. for her decisive victory on behalf of client Alaska Airlines.

Carrie McCrea Hanlon of Mills & Associates won a defense verdict in favor of defendant Alaska Airlines in the U.S. District Court, District of Nevada case of Ginena v. Alaska Airlines, Inc., 2:04-CV-01304-MMD-CWH.  The Las Vegas Review Journal reports on Carrie’s success HERE.  Alaska Airlines is a small but fast growing airline and is proud that this case will establish an important precedent that will benefit carriers nationwide.  (Click HERE for a recent New York Times article … [Read more...]

Nevada Finds That An Assigned Insurance Defense Attorney Has An Attorney-Client Relationship With Both The Insured Defendant And The Insurer Who Assigned The Case

A Las Vegas insurance defense attorney was seeing great success prosecuting plaintiff’s cases.  No surprise that the insurance companies were moving their business to other insurance defense attorneys.  Then came the fateful day as reported in Nevada Yellow Cab Corp. v. Eighth Jud. Dist. Court, 123 Nev. 44, 152 P.3d 737 (2007). The target defendant was insured by a carrier with whom the attorney had previously done business.  The insurance company took exception.  The company filed a motion to … [Read more...]